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Showing all 4 results

  • 11957


    £19.95 per metre
    Ring to order

    Navy Blue and Light Blue densely embroidered floral Broderie Anglaise 100% Cotton Double Gauze

    Pre-Wash 30˚C
  • camel satin stripe designer fabric


    £18.50 per metre
    Ring to order

    Camel Beige, Pink, Sky Blue, White and Chocolate Brown broad (12cm repeat) horizontal jacquard stripe 60% Viscose 40% Linen satin. Can be run the 'wrong' way so stripes are vertical.

    Hand Wash
  • tan orange sorona linen


    £19.50 per metre
    Ring to order

    Tan Burnt Orange 45% Linen 22% Viscose 18% Sorona 15% Cotton Lightweight Stretch Linen Mix

    Pre-Wash 30˚C
    **LOW STOCK!**
  • 10142

    Sale! £15.00 per metre
    Ring to order

    Tangerine Orange 45% Linen 22% Viscose 18% Sorona 15% Cotton Lightweight Stretch Linen Mix. Reduced due to fine faded line down centre fold line. Fabric can be used either way out and inside is unaffected

    Pre-Wash 30˚C

Showing all 4 results